IANDS Annual Symposium

2025 IANDS Spring Symposium

2025 Online Spring Symposium

Near-Death and Related Experiences: Religion, Spirituality, and Healthcare

Registration opens on April 1, 2025

Following a near-death experience or related transpersonal experience—such as after-death communication, out-of-body experience, or past-life memory—an experiencer’s religious/spiritual worldview may change. If someone discloses their experience to a healthcare provider—medical, such as doctor or nurse; mental, such as counselor, social worker, or psychologist; or religious/spiritual, such as clergy or chaplain—or other person, the confidant may be more or less informed about such experiences and may respond in ways that either help or harm the experiencer in the process of integrating their experience. In this Symposium, experiencers and healthcare professionals will recount what they have encountered in various healthcare settings while addressing religious/spiritual aspects of transpersonal experiences and their aftereffects. Presenters will offer best practices and advocacy strategies that healthcare professionals—and anyone who cares for or about transpersonal experiencers—can use to maximize experiencers’ bio-psycho-socio-spiritual wellbeing.


This Symposium is for:

  • Transpersonal experiencers and those who care for and about them
  • Healthcare providers and educators: medical, mental, and religious/spiritual
  • The general public interested in the Symposium topic


Join us online on Saturday, April 26, for a lively exploration of this topic. Some healthcare providers may earn up to 5 contact hours of continuing education for attending the Symposium.


Larry Burk, MD, is a retired Duke University Associate Professor of Radiology and co-founder of Duke Integrative Medicine. He is a Certified Energy Health Practitioner (CEHP) and online health coach specializing in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), hypnosis, and dreamwork, with two banned TEDx talks, including The Spiritual Alphabet Soup of Death and Dying. At the 2005 IANDS Conference, he presented a workshop on the use of EFT for PTSD after a near-death experience. He is a former board president of the Rhine Research Center and guest trainer at the Monroe Institute. He has written two books: Let Magic Happen: Adventures in Healing with a Holistic Radiologist and Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases. His website is www.larryburk.com.


Alinaghi Ghasemiannejad (Ali Ghasemian), PhD, is a psychologist in Isfahan, Iran, with extensive experience in research and relationship therapy. His expertise spans areas such as near-death experiences (NDEs), spiritualty, and Imago Relationships Therapy (IRT)—a transformative approach to strengthening relationships. Ali’s academic journey has taken him beyond Iran, including a stint as a visiting scholar at the University of North Texas (UNT) in Denton in 2015 to complete his doctoral dissertation comparing the phenomenology of Iranian Shi’ite Muslim NDEs to that of people in the US. This experience enriched his perspective and deepened his commitment to cross-cultural understanding of NDEs. Now, he is the leader of the IANDS Iran affiliated group.


Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP, retired from the University of North Texas in 2019 as Professor Emerita after 31 years on the Counseling Program faculty. Her primary research focus was and is counseling implications of near-death and related experiences—topics on which she has numerous professional publications and presentations. She remains professionally active, including as journal editor for, and president of, IANDS. www.janholden.com


Debbie James, MSN, RN, CNS, CCRN – Driven by the art and science of nursing practice and education, Debbie’s career has focused on safe, evidence-based, patient-centered care. Her passion and commitment to exemplary end-of-life care of patients and significant others in combination with her research and understanding of near-death experiences has resulted in intense global collaboration. She has provided diverse training and education in various aspects of bereavement and bioethics throughout the US—including at Vanderbilt University, MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston and San Antonio, and Parkland Hospital in Dallas—and Canada to address critical care nursing, death and dying, bioethics, and palliative and end-of-life care. To enhance nursing best practices, she analyzed and published data while holding leadership roles to influence practice standards. She served as a nursing representative in Texas Medical Association efforts to improve and implement policies regarding advanced directives, a profound end-of-life concern.


J. Scott Janssen, MSW, has been a hospice clinical social worker for 33 years and has published over 100 academic and popular articles on issues related to end-of-life social work practice. He is a member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Associations Trauma Informed Work Group and an editorial advisor for Social Work Today. In addition to his publications, Scott has presented to professional audiences including at IANDS conferences, the Carolinas Center for Hospice and End of Life Care, the University of North Carolina, and Duke University. He has been the invited speaker on numerous podcasts, recently Bright Lights Beyond #23: The Meaning of Closure, Part 1, where he discussed such Symposium topics as after-death communication and terminal lucidity.


Norman Klaunig, MA, NCC, LPC Associate, is a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate in Texas who is currently pursuing a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision at the University of the Cumberlands. His interest in near-death and other transpersonal experiences started during his youth. Now, Norman identifies as a transpersonal counselor, integrating the spiritual dimension into the counseling process. He has a virtual counseling practice serving all of Texas. Norman extensively studied and continues to study the near-death experience / spiritually transformative experience / transpersonal experience literature and has contributed to the Journal of Near-Death Studies and the IANDS magazine Vital Signs.


David Maginley, MDiv, CSCP, is a psychospiritual specialist at Optimal WellBeing in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is the award-winning author of Beyond Surviving: Cancer and Your Spiritual Journey and Early Exits: Spirituality, Mortality and Meaning in an Age of Medical Assistance in Dying. David has also survived cancer four times, which resulted in a profound near-death experience and explorations in the nature of consciousness and the connection of body, mind, and spirit. He knows what it’s like to have cancer from both sides of the hospital bed and has a sense of this life from both sides of the veil. David is ordained with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, a specialist with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, member of Canadian Association for Psychosocial Oncology and the International Association for Near-Death Studies, and is featured in the documentaries Here Right Now and When You Die.


Ginette Nachman, MD, PhD, holds doctorates in medicine and clinical psychology. For over 30 years, along with a mainstream career in the pharmaceutical industry, she has been involved in research and education related to non-local aspects of consciousness. Since 1995, she has been affiliated with the Rhine Research Center in Durham, NC, where she has served in various capacities, including Board Member, Director of Education, Research Team Coordinator, and Research Associate. Dr. Nachman also served as the Director of Research for the International Association for Near-Death Studies and is currently co-chair of the IANDS Education Committee. She has a long-standing interest in educating medical and mental healthcare professionals regarding non-local aspects of human experience and has a particular interest in reducing the stigma associated with these experiences.


Rebecca Valla, MD – Since completing her Psychiatry Residency in 1990 through the University of California – Irvine and Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT, Dr. Valla has been a full-time practicing psychiatrist for adult populations. Her mostly-outpatient clinical work included six years as Medical Director for a Pastoral Counseling Center where she supervised 20 counselors who delivered spiritually inclusive psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and groups. In 2002, after beginning independent private practice, Dr. Valla’s focus became more intensively transpersonal. Dr. Valla has provided workshops and live-streamed presentations for IANDS on the topics of “Self-Love” and “Inner Child Healing.” She served on the IANDS Board of Directors for six years, and she is currently founder and co-chair of the IANDS Ethics Advocacy and Resolution Team. Her website is www. rebeccasvallamd.com.


Kathy Winings, EdD, MDiv, is professor emerita of Religious Education and Restorative Justice at Unification Theological Seminary and a near-death experiencer. She serves currently as President of the Board of Directors for the International Relief Friendship Foundation, Inc., an international disaster and sustainable development agency, after having served as its executive director. She also is President and Founder of Educare, an educational consultancy with expertise in curriculum design and programming, brain-based teaching and learning, and service learning. Dr. Winings is the author of numerous articles on neuroeducation, interfaith ministry, and service learning as well as the book Building Character Through Service Learning.


2025 Symposium: Schedule









7:00 am

8:00 am

9:00 am

10:00 am

11:00 am



Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP

David Maginley, MDiv, CPCS

7:15 am

8:15 am

9:15 am

10:15 am


11:15 am



Reflections on Transpersonal Experiences and Religion (50 min presentation/10 min Q&A)

Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP

Norman Klaunig, MA, NCC, LPC Associate

8:15 am

9:15 am

10:15 am

11:15 am

12:15 pm


Breakout groups: Reactions to presentation; personal/professional experiences


8:35 am

9:35 am

10:35 am

11:35 am

12:35 pm



8:45 am

9:45 am

10:45 am

11:45 am

12:45 pm


Three Challenges to Accepting and Supporting Near-Death Experiencers in Hospital Settings (50/10)

David Maginley, MDiv, CPCS

9:45 am

10:45 am

11:45 am

12:45 pm

1:45 pm




10:00 am

11:00 am

12:00 pm


1:00 pm

2:00 pm


Two Case Illustrations of the Religious/Spiritual Aftermath of Transpersonal Experiences (60/15)

Ginette Nachman, MD, PhD

Kathy Winings, EdD, MDiv

11:15 am

12:15 pm

1:15 pm

2:15 pm

3:15 pm




11:30 am

12:30 pm

1:30 pm

2:30 pm

3:30 pm


Empirically- and Ethically-Based, Spiritually/ Religiously-Sensitive Best Practices in Addressing Transpersonal Experiences in Professional Healthcare Settings (20/10)

Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP

12:00 pm

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

4:00 pm


Breakout groups: Reactions to presentations; personal/professional experiences


12:20 pm

1:20 pm

2:20 pm

3:20 pm

4:20 pm



12:30 pm

1:30 pm

2:30 pm

3:30 pm

4:30 pm


Panel Discussion: Advocating in Clinical and Educational Healthcare Settings for Spiritual/ Religious Healthcare for Transpersonal Experiencers (7 people @ 5 ea = 35/25 discussion/15 Q&A)

Moderator: David Maginley, MDiv, CPCS

Panelists in alpha order by last name:

Larry Burk, MD

Ali Ghasemian, PhD

Debbie James, MSN, RN, CNS, CCRN

J. Scott Janssen, MSW

Norman Klaunig, MA, NCC, LPC Associate

Rebecca Valla, MD

Kathy Winings, MDiv, EdD

1:45 pm

2:45 pm

3:45 pm

4:45 pm

5:45 pm


Closing (10 Q&A / 5 info)

Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP

David Maginley, MDiv, CPCS

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

5:00 pm

6:00 pm



Registration can include continuing education (CE) for those professionals listed below who wish to receive it. Professionals seeking CE must: 

  • Indicate on your registration form your desire to receive CE in one or more professional categories (see below), and pay the $15 continuing education fee,
  • Attend all scheduled presentations,
  • Sign in at the beginning, and out at the end, of each session, using the Zoom Chat as instructed at start of Symposium, and
  • Following the conference, complete and submit
    • Answers to multiple-choice items covering Symposium content, and
    • An evaluation of the conference.

Within one week after the Symposium, we will contact you to provide you with the computer links to the items and evaluation. You will have two weeks to complete the items and evaluation. Within one week of your completion of the items and evaluation, the CE provider will email you a PDF Certificate as an attachment that you will be able to save and/or print.

Professional categories


Counselors: Receive up to 5.0 Continuing Education Hours (CE) in Wellness and Prevention. The Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) has been approved by NBCC as a continuing education provider, ACEP No. 1010. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC are clearly identified. ASERVIC is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. For more information about ASERVIC webinars and CE hours, visit www.aservic.org or contact president Dr. Janeé Avent Harris at president@aservic.org.


Nurses: This activity has been submitted to Emergency Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Emergency Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Other Professionals (including ACPE Certified Pastoral Educators, APC Certified Chaplains, and ACISTE Certified Professionals)
: IANDS will issue a Certificate of Completion for up to 5.0 hours of participation that you may use for continuing education. Contact your licensing and/or certifying entity(s) prior to Symposium registration to determine whether the entity will accept such a Certificate for continuing education.

Registration Details

You must log in or create an account before you can register.

Tickets are:

  • Non-members $95;
  • IANDS Members $60;
  • Students $30

$15 fee for anyone wanting a continuing education certificate or certificate of completion. 

For those unable to attend the live-online Symposium, the Online Livestream Symposium will be recorded and video-on-demand (VOD) replays of each session will be available for 1 year – until April 30, 2026. Continuing education opportunities available for some healthcare professionals.

You must log in or create an account before you can register.

Tickets are:

  • Non-members $tbd;
  • IANDS Members $tbd;
  • Students $tbd

The Online Livestream Symposium will be recorded and video-on-demand (VOD) replays of each session will be available for 1 year – until April 30, 2025.

Registration Details

You must log in or create an account before you can register.

Tickets are:

  • Non-members $TBA;
  • IANDS Members $TBA;
  • Students $TBA

The Symposium will be recorded and video-on-demand (VOD) replays of each session will be available for 1 year – until April 30, 2026.

You must log in or create an account before you can register.

Tickets are:

  • Non-members $95;
  • IANDS Members $60;
  • Students $30

The Symposium will be recorded and video-on-demand (VOD) replays of each session will be available for 1 year – until April 30, 2025.





